Accounts Receivable

The personalized touch will put your club's service in the spotlight. Each member file contains more than just a billing address - it also stores photos, signatures, family information, even locker numbers and spending preferences! Your staff can then access this wealth of information with just a click of a mouse. In addition, unlimited history files let you view previous months’ statements and display tickets exactly as they were originally rung up.

Features & Benefits

» Member Demographics

Establish complete records for all members of the account; customized dynamic demographic fields, dues class, member groups, interests, committees, sponsors, dues and fees - and utilize the power of the information available to completely support your membership initiatives – from POS entry to email campaigns and more.

» Automatic Payments

Members can elect to pay their account balance automatically via Bank Draft, available Credit Card authorization, or via on-demand electronic payments through our Clubhouse Online E-payment feature.

» Billing Plans & Services

Comprehensive and intuitive billing plans (dues, minimums, initiation, bond) and inventoried services (lockers, boat storage, stock certificates) provides for easy, consistent maintenance of all recurring revenue regardless of frequency, amount or member participation. For any plan established, any member may have an exception within the established process to avoid redundancy or manual manipulation.

» History

Via the Member Inquiry, view or report on multiple periods - delivery via email statement direct to your member, as well as the POS check details available. Analyze spending for multiple members over time, to segment and target your most active members – and those others that may need some enticement and TLC. Eliminate the need to store reports or data that are always available historically via the comprehensive filters by billing period, member or activity.

» Transactions

Unlimited receivables, daily totals by profit center, automatic updates from POS and miscellaneous cash receipts are but a few of the options that will help manage the daily sales and receipts towards accurate, real-time reporting and bank reconciliation. Supports tournaments, club functions and packages with ease, as well as efficiently manages payments and adjustments with clear audit capabilities.

» Integration

Think of all the areas of your club where Member data is needed - whether at the Restaurant, the Pro Shop, for Banquets, for Marketing, for Committees, or your online presence via your Web Site – not to mention all the related accounting of dues and fees associated with a private club. This comprehensive and completely integrated Accounts Receivable module will provide the information needed to ensure that all the aspects of your club operation are successful, and that your communications efforts via email are specific to your membership.

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